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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday Madness

The Christmas crafting got away from me. Again. As it always does. I don't learn (well, I sort of do - I started knitting in July this year) I've got the knitting almost done, but the sewing, oh the sewing. I'm so busy with gift crafting, real life obligations, and holiday fun that I'm probably going to be away from the blog until after Christmas. In the meantime, I thought I'd share some of the festive photos I've taken this month! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen most of them already. You should follow me on Instagram by the way, it's my fave social network.

I put up absurd amounts of lights
The tree looks fab, even if it doesn't stand completely straight
Christmas knitting yarn! All fingering and lace weight, of course. I need to get with the bulky yarns next year
It snowed! All of a centimetre, but still.
Snow necessitates hot chocolate
Rei and I made cookies! She has odd ideas about decorating gingerbread, but they taste good.


1 comment:

  1. Your daughter has the cutest mug ever! And you are not alone in the knitting madness: I am cranking out hats this week, and still hoping to finish up a secret one on my lunchbreaks at laid plans and all that!
