A while back I posted a cotton voile top I made in a wild and crazy floral. I love it and wear it all the time, so I made another, this time in a considerably more conservative cotton blend shirting. The fabric has a gorgeous woven stripe that I absolutely adore. I don't normally wear such... dignified colours, but it caught my eye and wouldn't let go! You'll have to pardon my awkward modelling. Jake thinks the best way to make me smile for the camera is to make grotesque faces and say lewd things. it backfires, a lot.
I went with elbow length sleeves this time, and anchored the pleats down for the first few inches. The fabric has lovely body and I didn't want it to poof right at the empire waist seam. Looking pregnant has never been one of my style goals.
It's a bit snug in the bust, because I forgot that adding shape for the waist and significant darts in the back would remove overall circumference and squash the girls. On the bright side the fit in the back neck and shoulder is perfect this time. Sewing a custom fit is so worth it, but it sure does make you aware of the idiosyncrasies of your shape.
This is my "incredulous and amused"/"either I'm high or you are" face, just in case you spot it in the wild.
The necklace came home from Egypt with my sister a few years ago, and is the perfect accessory to liven up a boring coloured shirt.
Ha ha, love the story behind the "awkward modelling". Shirt looks great!