I've added project bags to the shop! I love designing bags. The actual pattern drafting is far easier than with clothing, but my favourite part is sitting down and deciding how to incorporate all the pockets and such that I want. For these project bags I sat down with my current project bag and decided what I did and didn't like about it. I love all the pockets but I hate that they're on the outside of the bag. I love that I can see what's in it but I hate that it doesn't have a way of closing so my stuff doesn't tip out. I love that it's small and light but I hate that I can't use it on the go because of the weird shape. In the end I came up with a simple, sturdy pattern that looks awesome and has all the features I like! They're available in the
shop now, and they're awesome!

Don't forget the Tour de Fleece sale as well! 15% off all fibre and handspun with coupon code TOURDEFLEECE2011
Happy shopping and happy Monday,
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