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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Links - Felt Toys


Felt is the ideal material for making toys. It doesn't fray, it's predictable, and if you don't mind it being made out of plastic instead of wool, it's beyond cheap. The possibilities are endless and all you need is felt, needle, thread, and polyfill.

Here are a few of my favourite tutorials and patterns!

Get the links after the jump...

  1. Rei will definitely get one of these cute t-rex toys when (not if, When) the dinosaur craze hits.
  2. This adorable egg design book really encourages creativity, and travels well!
  3. This rain cloud mobile is utterly delightful.
  4. This fabric doll house is so great - think of all the little felt furnishings! She also shows pics of her cute barn version.
  5. I was a huge fan of the Never Ending Story as a kid - and I still am. Maybe I should make myself a felt Auryn medallion?

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